Binding and Loosing

Energy expands and contracts, ebbs and flows, all the time in the minute increments of a day, in the great sweep of our lives and choices.

There are two great spiritual powers we have in working with the flow of energy: to bind and to loose. The occasion of a wedding is an act of binding, marking a bond with vow and celebration. Once a vow is made with the invocation of the Spirit, we set in motion a whole array of other choices and consequences.

It is just as important, then when through the best of our intentions, we come to another crossroads and determine, we must "loose" our vows. This moment, too, may require a ritual to release the power once held by our initial vow so we are free, then to grieve, having completed the work of a relationship now ending or re-defining itself.

Rites of Initiation such as welcoming a child into your family, honoring the occasion of birth or even marking the launch of new projects and commitments in ones life is an opportunity; this is an act of binding... proclaiming beginnings.

Rites of Passing do honor the passage of a life from this incarnate existence. We provide a spiritual context, a place where this profound work of loosing may be anchored and held.

Often we seek these services within the realm of our own connections and communities. Having begun a relationship with people through officiating at their marriage, Sacred Fire Ceremonies is available for the continuance of that relationship at other key moments in your lives.




Energy expands and contracts, ebbs and flows, all the time in the minute increments of a day, in the great sweep of our lives and choices.

Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies with spiritual depth and unique elements

The Reverend Kathleen C. Mandeville, M. Div

All rights reserved. © 2009 Reverend Kathleen Mandeville